AMD Athlon 850

by Anand Lal Shimpi on February 14, 2000 12:00 PM EST

Expendable is also a very memory intensive benchmark which is why the Pentium III on the i820 test bed usually comes in first, but the higher clocked Athlon 850 snatches the crown this time as well as a close second place spot courtesy of VIA's KX133 chipset and the AMD 750's SuperBypass feature that helps to decrease memory latencies.

As you can see, without SuperBypass or the KX133 chipset, the Athlon used to lose to the Pentium III on a clock for clock basis, but armed with these two performance boosters the first two spots belong to the 850MHz flagship.


Increasing the resolution and color depth only increases the effects of having a fast memory bus, but because the effect is seen across the board, the standings remain relatively unchanged.

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